Sunday, July 23, 2006

Pavel's blog

Here is a recent post from Pavel's blog featuring yours truly:
A crisper and more powerful swing

The RKC system of kettlebell training is known for its subtle martial arts techniques for amplifying power: power breathing, rooting, etc.
Com. Ken Black, RKC has another internal strength technique your kettlebell swing technique:
“Let us take the focus away from the hips for the moment. With your feet shoulder width apart stand with your legs straight so that they are locked. Now imagine the focal point being your knee. From the knee down press into the ground and from the knee up pull your thighs up. Contract your glutes so that the legs and core are solid and you have a strong connection through you feet to the ground. Make sure that your eyes are forward at all times.
“Remember the feeling of this action. Next do it in motion imitating a swing without a kettlebell. Start by doing it slowly and build up the speed till you are doing it at the same pace as your swing. Now go back to your swings and replicate this imagery for a more powerful swing.”


Mark Reifkind said...

WooHoo!! Nice going mate! great visual and solid advice, as usual. well done.

Tommy Shook said...

Nice're alright! BTW, welcome home! looks like a great trip and good times. Been away for a while myself, got home today, I'll update my blog soon enough, just wanted to say 'hey"!

Franz Snideman said...

This is solid info Ken. And it really does work. Awesome job brother!!!!

Ken Black said...

Thanks Mark, Tom and Franz.