Friday, December 09, 2005

Tire flipping Friday

Joint mobility & shoulder dislocates
b/w squats x 10
halo (k/b 16kg) x 10
windmill (k/b 28kg) x 2 (palm to floor)

Tire flips (417 pounds)
6 sets x 6 reps
tried one handers also x 1 rep (l+r)

#200 pound ball
clean to chest x 2 reps; 3 reps
(2nd set didn't drop it onto the ground)

York blobs
#35 x 1 rep
#40 x 1 rep (#5 w/5 pounds added)
#45 nada
#35 w/10 pounds added broke it off the ground

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Start of workout log

This my garage/ workout area/ dungeon

Thursday 1st

Joint mobility & shoulder dislocates
Halo (w/16kg k/bell) 2 sets x 10 reps
Windmill (w/24kg k/bell) 2 reps; 3 reps

Clubbells (15 pounds) all with 2 clubs except behind head circles
Swipe & press 2 sets x 5 reps
Shield cast (both ways) 2 sets x 5 reps
Behind head circles 2 sets x 5 reps

York blob deadlifts #35 x 1
#40 (added 2 x 2.5 plates) 2 sets x 1 rep

Plate curls #10 x 10 reps (flip over at rep 5)
Thumb gripper x 2 reps

Millitary press (2 yellow + 1 red) bands 2 x 3 reps * switch back to 2 red and 1 yellow*

Friday 2nd

Joint mobility & shoulder dislocates
Halo (w/16kg k/bell) 2 sets x 10 reps
Windmill (w/28kg k/bell) 2 sets x 2 reps
Elbow raises (w/28 kg k/b) 5 reps


Tire flips (#417) x 4 reps
Sledge hammer tire (#16) x 5 reps
Med ball holds (#100) x 30 seconds
Work 1:35; 1:30; 1:25; 1:29; 1:28
Rest 1:00; 45 sec; 30 sec; 30 sec

Tire flips (417) x 4 reps
Chins (16kg k/bell) x 2 reps (3 chins on last two times)
Push press (#50 sandbag) x 30 seconds (Reps: 16; 18; 20; 19; 21)
Work 1:25; 1:20; 1:22; 1:21; 1:25
Rest 30 second breaks for all

Walk to corner and back
Sandbag carry (#50) overhead up, Zercher back
X-vest (#88) + Farmers handles (#60) up & back with no rest

Saturday 3rd

Joint mobility & shoulder dislocates
Bodyweight squats x 20 (fast)

Turkish get up (#70 k/b) 1 rep; (88) x 1; (70) x 1; (88) x 1

Chins with k/b (56) x 1; (70) x 1; (88) x 1; (70) x 2

M/P (2 red + 1 yellow) 3 sets x 5 reps

Monday 5th

Skipping x 100
Joint mobility
Hindu squats x 20
Body weight squats x 20

Halo (w/16kg k/bell) 2 sets x 10 reps
Windmill (w/28kg k/bell) 2 sets x 2 reps

Sledge levering
#8 1 set x 1 rep
*didn’t feel right today so stopped there*

IM #1 x 3 reps
HG200 x 2 reps
BBSM x 1 forced rep

Med ball clean & push press
#100 x 3 reps
#150 x 1 (fail ¾ lockout); 2 sets x 1 rep

Tuesday 6th

Unplanned day off

Approx 40 mins Tai Chi

Wednesday 7th

Skip (blue rope 2 pounds) x 100 reps
Joint mobility + dislocates
Hindu squats x 25
Halo (w/16kg k/bell) 1 set x 10 reps
Windmill (w/28kg k/bell) 1 set x 2 reps ( palm to ground)

Squats: Three times through
Front k/b (#70’s) x 4 reps
Shoulder med ball (#80) x 2 reps (l+r)
Zercher sandbag (#100) x 4

Dbl k/b snatch (28’s) x 3 reps; (32’s) x 3 reps; (28’s) x 3 reps; (32’s) x 3 reps
Groove felt better 2nd time through, haven’t done them in a while though.

Farmers walk (handles #110) to corner and back NO REST

M/P (2 red + 1 yellow) 4 sets x 5 reps

Thursday 8th

Skip (#2 blue rope) x 150
Joint mobility + dislocates
Halo (w/16kg k/bell) 1 set x 10 reps (5 clockwise,5 anti-clockwise, 5 clockwise and 5 anti)

TGU (#70) 1 rep; (#88) 3 sets x 1 rep (Got groove a lot better by last set)

Circuit ladder

Sledge tire hits (#16) x 3,6,9,12,9,6,3
Chins (24kg k/b) x 1,2,3,4,3,2,1
Glute ham raises (red band) x 2,4,6,8,6,4,2
Push press med ball (#100) x 2,4,6,8,6,4,2
Med ball slams (#10) x 3,6,9,12,9,6,3
Total time 16:33

P.M approx 1 hour Tai Chi

M/P (2 red + 1 yellow) 5 sets x 5 reps

Friday, December 02, 2005

sledgehammer levering

I have been having some fun with sledgehammers for a while. Besides beating tires with them have been doing levering since getting the Slim the Hammerman DVD. Good fun and builds awesome wrist strength. I'm doing it with ten pound sledges here.