Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Todays training

High pulls #70 10 x 3

BBSA gripper 5 x 5
Extensor band 5 x 5

Monday, October 30, 2006


BU press #50 3 x 1 #60 3 x 3
BW chins 3 x 4

Rolling thunder #140 4 x 3

Thumb gripper 5 x 3 (homemade, not full closes)

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Friday & Todays training


BU Press # 50 4 x 2
#60 2 x 2

Extensor band 10 x 20 l+r


DARC swings #50 20 x 2

Tire flipping 1, 3, 4 x 2, 6 x 2, 22 x 1
Did some sandbag stuff inbetween at the start but dropped it after a couple of sets

Extensor work later

Thursday, October 26, 2006

And today is?

Some weeks are that busy you forget which day it is. This week has been one fo them. A few things out of the ordinary and my balance is thrown off!

Skipping warm up
Club #15 pendulum 10 x 3

BU cleans #70 5 x 3

Sled #90 push(70) & pull(70) 140 feet
Med ball 1/4 squat throw #40
4 times through in 9.45

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Life is good

It has been at least a couple of months since my last visit to the Academy. Man they have made a lot of progress! They are a a lot stronger physicaly and as a unit. It is great to see.

It is also great to see how different things are out there from the very first time I went a few years ago. I am sure that they are in a lot better position both physicaly and mentaly by the time they leave. They have a great bunch of instructors out there. Willing to try different things out. Tires, kettlebells, car pushing all sorts of fun times. The finale was a tug of war!
Pete has a very cool video he made(not from today). Inspiring to say the least. Throw it up on Youtube Pete;)

Racked squats #50's 5 x 3
Pullups on rings 5 x 3

High pull #50 10 x 5 (100 reps total) switching w/no rest

Will do some grippers and extensor work later

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Refueling week

Met up with Joe Sarti again today. No training but always good to see him.

Clubs #15 Pendulums x 10 (From clean position swinging club in front of body both directions)
Behind back circles x 10 (same as above but with an extra circle behind the back)

Blobs #35 Deads 1 x 3
Cleans tried about 3 times but kept losing it near the top
#30 Cleans 1 x 2
Deads by face r x 1; l x just enough to get air under it

Monday, October 23, 2006


BU press #50 2 x 2
#70 1 x 5
#40 10 x 1

Rolling thunder
#110 x 3
#130 x 2
#150 x 1
#160 x 1
#170 x 1 + couple of fails

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Tire flipping

H2H swings #50 x 20
Sandbag highpulls 10 x 2

Tire flips 4 x 4; 8 x 1
Much better than the meazly 1 rep from the last vid;)

Quick Friday

Just a quick one today. The sled dragging took more out of me than I thought;)

BU press #50 5 x 5
Blob Deads #35 5 x 5

Thursday, October 19, 2006

More sledwork

Played around with the clubs and #10 sledges

#25 club pendulum 5 x 2
Double club swipe w/ press 5 x 2


Sled #100 forwards x 70 feet and backwards x 70 feet
Sledge tire #10 x 15/side

Did 6 rounds in 14.55

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Wednesday practice/workout


BU press
#50 2 x 3
#60 2 x 3


rolling thunder
#75 x 3
#110 x 2
#135 1 x 10

Dbl KB squat #88's 3 x 3

1 arm rollouts
5 feet from wall 3 x 2
6 feet from wall 1 x 1 ( assisted w/non-working arm)

Tuesday, October 17, 2006



Clubs #15's pendulums 10 x 3
1 club shield casts 5 x 3
swipe with press 5 x 3
Behind head circles 5 x 3


Dragged the sled out after quite sometime. #165 kicked my ass big time!
Did circuits of presses, rows, straight arm forward walk, & backward walk pull
approx 85 feet of each one accross front lawn
#90, #115, #140, #165

Monday, October 16, 2006

self portrait


BU press 28kg 3 x3

Chins on rings w/16kg KB 3 x 3


Rolling thunder

#100 3 x 5

#110 2 x 3

#120 x 1

#130 1 x 2

Not phototshop

This is a picture my parents took recently. I have never seen or heard anything like it before!

Friday, October 13, 2006

Kettlebell Seminar tommorow...

So took the day off from training. Did some videoing for upcoming newsletters :) If you haven't signed up for my free newsletter you can do so at my site. Next one will be out at the first of the month. Have a great weekend.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Good fun

Been hitting a few double workouts. Fun and it fits into myschedule better at the moment. Anywyas onto the fun:

#36 KB one handed swings x 10 (l+r)
#36 DARC swings x 50

Club #15 pendulums, swipes presses & behind the head circles

Dbl Kb front squat #36's x 5 w/10 second pause in bottom position

Dbl M/P #36's x 10


Tire sledge #8 x 40
Sandbag zercher #60 x 10
Med ball slams #10 x 20
KB dead cleans x 10
Hanging leg raises x 5
Farmers walk w/2 #36 KB's 510 feet

Five times through with no rest 27 mins 56 secs

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Todays training

Deadlifts #236 x 3; #276 3 x 2; #321 2 x 2 (all done overhand grip)
Rope climb x 6 (3l+3r) 8 x 3 (4l+r)
*hand over hand is one rep

GHR 5 x 3

Played around with olympic bar cleans

M/press #88 2 x 2; 1 x 1

Do some bands later (stretching & mobility)

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Did some band work late last night.


Clubs # 25's Swipe w/ press 5 x 3

Sledge levering #12 1 x 2
Played around with the #8 a bit also

1 arm rollouts @ 5 feet from wall 3 x 2

#30 blob
face deadlift 1 x 3
reg deadlift 10 x 1 (l+r)
Holds r x 25 secs l x 20 secs

Will do some bands later

Monday, October 09, 2006

Monday's training

Fat bar deads #120 x 3; #170 3 x 3
Chins BW x 3; #36 KB 3 x 3

Double KB racked squats #70's 5 x 3
Leg raises 3 x 2

Walks w/2 #50 KB
Overhead 255 feet
Racked x 255 feet
Farmers x 510 feet

Friday, October 06, 2006

Fridays fun

Did two workouts today which is a nice change:)
Club #15 approx 8 mins of various things. Shield casts, pendulums, swipe with press ...

Bottom up Kettlebell presses
#50 2 x 2
#60 1 x 2
#70 1 x 3

Mil. press #80 1 x 1

All walks for 500 feet and didn't put bell/s down till all were completed

Double overhead KB walk w/#16's
DBL rack walk w/#16's
DBL farmers walk w/#16's
Single Overhead KB walk #16 (swap halfway)
Single rack walk #16 (swap halfway)
Single farmers walk #16 (swap halfway)

Extreme Strength

Found this on youtube. Pretty damn amazing.

Has some other vids on his site also:

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Already thinking about a heavier tire:)

But not for some time and I don't know if I have the room!

Double kettlebell squat w/50's 3 x 3

Tire flips 3 x 3
#200 blob cleans 3 x 3

The tire groove is getting better but it is still damn tough.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

last two days training

Tuesday 2nd

Push ups 10 x 2

Clubs #25's swipe w/press 3 x 3

Blob tosses #30 8 x 3

bbsa x 3, 4
extensor band 6 x 2
2 bands 6 x 2 (partials)

Wednesday 3rd

Rolling thunder
#75 x 5
# 95 x 5
#105 x 3
#115 3 x 3; 4 x 3; 5 x 4

Plate curls #20 (2 x 10's) 5 x 2
Video from newsletter #1
Sign up for my free monthly newsletter at

Monday, October 02, 2006

Today's kitty litter workout

Rolling thunder #75 x 5
#110 x 3
#135 3 x 2; 1 x 1

Med ball clean & press #100 5 x 3
Bw chins 5 x 3

Evil wheel rollouts 5 x 2

Later did extensor work 10 x 4