Thursday, August 03, 2006

Back off week!

Windmill w/beast #105 Great exercise for mobility, flexibility and strength.

Everything things needs to be flexible! Hasn't been the best back off week but I am feeling recharged. I am understanding my body and what it needs more everyday and so the learning continues.

Joint mobility

BU presses #36 x 3 reps
#40 2r 1l 1r 1l 1l
#36 3 x 2 sets

BU clean #70 3 x 2 sets

Roling Thunder #95 3 x 3 sets

Sledge levering #8 1 x 2 sets

Haven't done the sledge levering for quite sometime. Groove wasn't there.

At the Academy
Did a kettlebell demo.
Flipped a few small tires.

BBSA gripper 3 x 3 sets
Extensor 6 x 3 sets

Played around with kettlebell warm up, rope waves and clubs.

Kb dragging #32 & # 24 (tied on half way) 150' x 2
Sled sprinting approx 400'
Rope waves 50 reps w/100'

Med ball explosive throws approx 250' w/#40

With the guys from Shamrock's
Kb racked walk #24's
Drag sled approx 25' then rope pull it 100'
Kb explosive throws/shot put
Kb racked duck and weaves

*This was time based off the guy dragging the sled.

Extensor work 10 x 5 sets


Mark Reifkind said...

nice work Ken. I wish I had your mobility and could do all those cool things.your back off weeks seem great. Nice nice windmill too. Good to be very strong as well.

Ken Black said...

Thanks Rif. That means a lot to me coming from you.

Pete said...

Wow, Ken! You never cease to amaze, brother.